  •  Werner
  • 51.4% (Neutral)
  • Newbie Topic Starter
Can anyone help with a selution to my problem. Have a R56 with MEVD1722. Replaced DME. Now I get Ptection against tampering. speed limitation 2.
I have a complete lockset that runs in the car. Made a clone from cas and DME. If I fit it in the car all ok. As soon as I wright a new key for my clone or change the vin of the cas. Back to the same fault. Did fsc download from the agent with ISTA. Does not program DME correctly. Same fault stay there. Any help please

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  •  abc123
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Advanced Member
Replaced DME.

Meaning what??? Clone??? ISN swap??? Issue w original??? Tools / procedures used??? Why are you changing CAS, defective as well???

You want help and you don't want to take time to describe the issue?