Cloning MEVD17.2.4 Explored with Hexprog II Prowess


Within BMW diverse array of Engine Control Units (ECUs), MEVD17.2.4 emerges as a prominent and indispensable component. This particular ECU, developed by Bosch, stands out as one of the most widely used in BMW vehicles. HexProg II, a versatile ECU Chip Tuning Tool and ECU Programming Tool, proves to be a valuable asset in the manipulation of this critical ECU.

MEVD17.2.4 holds a significant position in BMW's electronic control system, contributing to the optimal performance of the vehicle. As an essential component, it plays a pivotal role in regulating various aspects of the engine, ensuring efficiency, and meeting performance standards.

HexProg II, equipped with advanced features, demonstrates its proficiency by offering extensive capabilities for MEVD17.2.4. Notably, it excels in both reading and writing operations, providing seamless functionality in both Bench and Boot Modes. This dual-mode compatibility enhances its versatility, making it an invaluable tool for automotive enthusiasts, professional technicians, and anyone involved in ECU Tuning or ECU Diagnostics.

One of HexProg II's standout features is its ability to clone MEVD17.2.4 in both Bench and Boot Modes. This ECU Cloning capability proves essential in scenarios where replicating the ECU's configuration is necessary, offering a convenient solution for various ECU Diagnostic and ECU Tuning purposes.

In essence, HexProg II emerges as a comprehensive solution for MEVD17.2.4ECU-related tasks within the realm of BMW vehicles. Its adeptness in reading, writing, and cloning operations, coupled with its compatibility with different modes, positions it as a reliable and versatile tool for those engaged in the intricacies of BMW ECU management and optimization. 

BMW MEVD17.2.4 ECUs store the ISN in their internal EEPROM memory. Therefore, it is crucial to utilize a tool that can successfully clone the entire data set, including the ISN. Hexprog II tool stands out for its capability to clone the complete data of MEVD17.2.4 ECUs. Moreover, if a user specifically desires to transfer only the internal EEPROM data, containing information such as ISN, VIN, and other pertinent details, to another ECU, this can be achieved seamlessly. It is important to note that for this process to work flawlessly, the internal flash of the donor ECU must be in good condition and compatible with the recipient ECU. This functionality becomes particularly valuable when users seek to apply a performance-mapped or tuned internal flash data from one ECU to another.

HexProg II Tuner MEVD17.2.4 ISN
HexProg II Tuner MEVD17.2.4 ISN

In addition to the On-Bench and Boot functions, MEVD17.2.4 ECU is also compatible with OBD Mode within Hexprog II Tuner software. While On-Bench and Boot Modes facilitate the cloning and writing of the entire dataset from the ECU, OBD Mode is specifically designed to handle map portions from MEVD17.2.4. The inclusion of OBD Mode in Hexprog II Tuner software proves beneficial, particularly in the realm of ECU Chip Tuning and Remapping. This functionality allows users to selectively modify and optimize specific performance aspects of the engine. Whether it's boosting overall performance or fine-tuning for specific enhancements, the OBD Mode provides a versatile and effective tool for achieving desired outcomes in Chip Tuning and engine remapping processes.

In OBD Mode, Hexprog II Tuner software offers a Virtual Read option, allowing users to retrieve the stock map section of the internal flash data of the ECU from the Microtronik server. This Virtual Read option facilitates the download of an OBD virtual file, which can then be utilized for ECU Tuning and ECU Remapping purposes. The modified file can be seamlessly written back to the ECU in OBD Mode, streamlining the ECU Tuning Process.

An additional benefit of the Virtual file is that it serves as a pristine stock file sourced directly from the server. This feature enables users to rectify any undesirable modifications or tuning on the ECU by simply overwriting it with the stock virtual file. Restoring the MEVD17.2.4 ECU to its factory settings is effortlessly accomplished by writing back the virtual file using Hexprog II Tuner software in OBD Mode.

Moreover, Hexprog II Tuner software performs automatic checksum verification on modified Virtual Read files during the OBD writing process, providing invaluable assistance in ECU Chip-Tuning. This ensures the integrity and reliability of the tuned files. The versatility of Hexprog II Tuner extends to supporting BMW model MEVD17.2.4 ECUs in various modes, including Bench, Boot, and OBD, offering users a comprehensive and flexible ECU Tuning Job.

As HexProg II not only supports this particular ECU in Bench Mode but also in Boot Mode, the process of cloning this ECU is a straightforward and user-friendly procedure. In the Bench mode, users have the advantage of a seamless and efficient ECU Cloning process, while the Boot Mode offers an additional layer of flexibility for those who prefer alternative methods. When utilizing HexProg II for ECU Cloning in Bench Mode, users benefit from a streamlined and uncomplicated procedure. The software's intuitive interface ensures a user-friendly experience, guiding individuals through each step of the cloning process with clarity and precision. This mode is particularly advantageous for users seeking a hassle-free and reliable method to duplicate their ECU.

On the other hand, Boot Mode in HexProg II adds an extra dimension to the cloning capabilities. This alternative mode caters to users who prefer different approaches to ECU Cloning. Whether for specific preferences, technical requirements, or other considerations, Boot Mode provides a versatile option for achieving the desired outcome. The flexibility offered by HexProg II support for both Bench and Boot Modes enhances its appeal as a comprehensive tool for ECU Cloning Job.

The inclusion of Boot Mode expands the scope of applications for HexProg II, accommodating a diverse range of user preferences and technical scenarios. This adaptability ensures that individuals can choose the mode that best suits their needs, contributing to a more customized and efficient ECU Cloning experience. In essence, HexProg II support for both Bench and Boot Modes reflects its commitment to providing users with a robust and adaptable solution for ECU Cloning, meeting the demands of various automotive contexts and preferences.

Below are the detailed steps for cloning MEVD17.2.4 ECU:

HexProg II Tuner MEVD17.2.4
HexProg II Tuner MEVD17.2.4
  1. Preparation: Before starting the ECU Cloning process, ensure you have the necessary tools and equipment. You'll need Hexprog II hardware and Hexprog II Tuner Software with valid ECU Cloning license. You must use Hexprog II Tuner software to check the wiring diagram of the ECU, and arrange soldering equipment and stay wires as necessary.
  2. Accessing Bench Mode: Connect ECU On Bench using appropriate cables and connectors and ensure the connection is secure. (This ECU can also be clone in Boot Mode)
  3. Reading Original ECU Data: Once the connection to the ECU is established, Hexprog II hardware, combined with Hexprog II Tuner software, is used to read and extract the data from the original ECU. It is possible to read internal flash separately in .bin format that can be used for modification and Chip Tuning. This data contains essential information about the vehicle's settings, calibration, and configurations
  4. Creating a Backup: The user needs to use the backup button to back up the whole ECU data. After successfully reading the data from the original ECU, backup files are created. This backup file contains all the information required to clone the ECU accurately. It is essential to store these backup files safely as it serves as the foundation for the cloning process.
  5. Preparing the New: If the goal is to clone the ECU onto a new or refurbished one, the new ECU must be prepared. This involves ensuring that the new ECU is compatible with the vehicle and in working condition.
  6. Restoring Data onto New: With the new ECU prepared, the next step is to use Hexprog II hardware and Hexprog Tuner software to restore the original backup file onto the new ECU. This process transfers all the original settings and configurations to the new ECU, effectively creating an identical copy of the original. Before restoring the original data, we recommend users to make a backup of new or donor ECU for safety concerns in the future.
  7. Testing and Verification: After the cloning process is complete, it's essential to verify the functionality of the newly cloned ECU. The vehicle should be tested to ensure that all systems are working correctly and that there are no error codes or malfunctions.
  8. Finalization: Once the cloned ECU is verified to be functioning properly, the ECU can be securely reinstalled in the vehicle. It is crucial to ensure that all connections are secure, and the ECU is properly seated.

Essentially, ECU Cloning serves as a critical safeguard, ensuring the preservation of the intricate configurations and calibrations that define and govern the optimal functioning of a vehicle. This sophisticated process involves the creation of a replica of the Engine Control Unit (ECU), meticulously retaining all of its inherent settings and parameters. The significance of ECU Cloning becomes apparent in its ability to streamline and expedite maintenance and repair procedures. Rather than engaging in laborious and time-consuming reprogramming tasks, which would typically be required to restore a vehicle to its factory state, technicians can leverage the cloned ECU to seamlessly replicate the original settings. This not only saves valuable time but also enhances efficiency, allowing for a quicker turnaround in returning the vehicle to operational status.
As vehicles become more sophisticated and reliant on electronic control systems, the role of ECU Cloning becomes increasingly pivotal in ensuring that the intricacies of these systems are preserved and can be seamlessly integrated into the repair and maintenance processes. Ultimately, ECU Cloning emerges as a technological ally, simplifying the complexities associated with maintaining and restoring vehicles to their optimal operational state.


In addition to its core functionality of cloning the MEVD17.2.4, HexProg II extends its capabilities to include the modification of the internal flash, providing users with a versatile tool tailored to their specific needs. HexProg II software facilitates seamless customization of the internal flash content, allowing users to make adjustments following their preferences. Notably, the software is designed to automatically calculate and apply checksums, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the modified data.

Expanding on the range of services offered, HexProg's online service platform provides a comprehensive suite of options for the MEVD17.2.4 ECU. Users can leverage this platform for diverse services such as DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) off, among others. This online service is accessible through our server at, where users can log in to their accounts to initiate and manage these services. The online service platform streamlines the process of accessing and applying these modifications. Users can navigate through the user-friendly interface, select the desired services, and initiate the process with ease. The platform is designed to ensure a user-friendly experience while maintaining a high level of security and reliability.

Moreover, the online service platform operates with transparency, providing users with detailed information about the services offered and associated charges. Comparative charges are presented to users, allowing them to make informed decisions based on their specific requirements and budget considerations.

By offering this integrated approach, HexProg II not only serves as a reliable hardware tool for ECU Cloning but also establishes itself as a comprehensive solution provider for MEVD17.2.4 modifications. The combination of hardware and online services creates a synergy that caters to the evolving needs of automotive enthusiasts, technicians, and professionals seeking advanced solutions for ECU customization. HexProg II commitment to innovation, user-friendly interfaces, and secure online services positions it as a leading choice in the realm of ECU modification tools.

More Info about MEVD17.2.4

Hexprog II is a specialized ECU Chip Tuning Tool that can read and write all contents of the MEVD17.2.4. For more detailed information about the MEVD17.2.4 and the capabilities of Hexprog II tool, you can refer to the following links:

Please visit the provided links to learn more about the MEVD17.2.4 and Hexprog II tool for ECU Chip Tuning

Last Update: 12/10/2023
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